jueves, 11 de junio de 2009

International Journalist Award „1989 – 2009: Europe in Dialogue“

To mark the 20th anniversary of the peaceful revolution in Europe, MitOst is pleased to announce the International Journalist Award, „1989 – 2009: Europe in Dialog“.
The German daily newspaper DIE WELT is the exclusive media partner of the International Journalist Award. DIE WELT supports the project in publishing the best articles. The thematic focus is the increasing overlap between European countries beyond the former east–west borders.

The award is open to print and online journalists aged 18 – 35, who have reported, fairly and openly on the above topic. Journalists from the European Union, eastern neighbour states, as well as the Russian federation with very good English or German skills are invited to submit their articles. Texts can be published in the author's native language and must have been published in print or online media since August 2008. The deadline for applications is 20 August 2009 .

An international jury will then nominate ten authors, who will be invited to the awards ceremony in Berlin on the 5th November 2009. The authors of the three best articles will be awarded prizes of EUR 2500, EUR 1500 and EUR 1000. In addition to this, the nominees will have the opportunity to visit experienced journalists in their editorial departments and to meet agents working in the areas of politics and culture. The best articles will be published in an anthology in February 2010, which will be presented as part of a campaign in cooperation with media partners.

Further information on the application procedure and the application form: www.mitost.org/medienprojekt1989.html

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