domingo, 13 de diciembre de 2009

Annual Congress 2010 in Slovenia

Dear all,

It is very probable fact that you are all anxious and excited to attend the 2010 FEJS annual congress in Ljubljana, Slovenia¡
The Executive Board, Organinizing Committee and Secretariat are proud to invite all of you¡

Please, check the next website carefully and join us¡¡

The application procedure starts Sunday 13 th December.

Best regards

Spanish delegation

miércoles, 29 de julio de 2009

Eur@dioNantes Experience, come and see¡¡¡

Eur@dioNantes, a European Radio station based in Nantes and supported by the European Commission, has recently launched the selection process of its upcoming European team of interns.

Eur@dioNantes is currently looking for high-level bilingual (in french) students in political science or journalism who are interested in European issues and who would like to get a formative experience in the world of New European Media.

The students, supervised by professional journalists, will discuss European information, talk about the local news from a European point of view, advertise all the innovative projects in Europe nowadays and give visibility to the emerging artistic creations all over the continent.

The internship will start on the 23th of August 2009 in Nantes and usually lasts 6 months. The students get a monthly allowance of about 390 €.

The attached documents will give more details on Eur@dioNantes and on the selection process of the next promotion. More information is also available on the website

Please feel free to forward this information to all those who could be interested by this initiative within your networks (Higher Education departments of your regional/local Governments, Universities…).
How it works : many European journalists gathered inside a local networkTo create a hub for European information, you must always work with European journalists, because they are the first to see what is going on in their own countries.The Eur@dioNantes team is composed of several young journalists who came from their countries to the training centre in Nantes. They are being coached by French professionals with loads of experience. For several months the whole newsroom have to create new ways of listening to European information. They have to immerse themselves into the local background and compare what they see and hear to the wider frame of European newsgathering so as to open new perspectives and consider the implications of what is happening, be it on the cultural, economical, social or political level.Those young students in journalism are therefore lucky enough to be trained in a unique background, and they start their career in a dynamic European environment. Do you want to be an intern ?

sábado, 20 de junio de 2009

TFM Barcelona July 09- Reunión Internacional Grupo de Trabajo FEJS en Barcelona !!PARTICIPA!!

Mireia Suarez (Santiago de Compostela) y Dulce Ramos( Burgos) en el AC de Suiza 2007

Get prepared to live the sunniest and hottest TFM ever!
From the 24th to the 27th of July, SB and Sec are waiting for you in beautiful Barcelona! The beach, the palm trees, the best soccer team in the world, it will all be there - but don’t forget we will be there to mainly prepare the GA 2009 in the Netherlands in the first place!
To do this in the best circumstances, we can only accept 20 participants, so hurry up to apply! Hasta pronto en Barcelona…
Participation fee is 95 euros and includes:- 3 nights (24, 25, and 26 july 09) in Youth Hostel in the city centre, 10 minutes walking from the beach!- 3 meals a day and snacks and drinks during breaks- Meeting room
Deadlines? 25th of June 2009
Details? More details (arrival time, exact location, exact discussion plan, and so on) will be given in the confirmation letter of participation that will be sent beginning of July.
Contact Person?
For SB (and OC) : Nicolas Naets,
For SEC : Fabienne Morand,
If you want to apply for Solidarity Found, please send an email to
Una oportunidad de oro para participar y conocer más de cerca la organización europea. Un llamamiento para los antiguos participantes españoles.

Los TASK FORCE MEETING son los previos preparativos para el AC (congreso anual)y la GA (asamblea general). Es una reunión más pequeña con el cuerpo central de la organización (el secretariado y el SB cuerpo de supervisión), que ayudan en la organización total del Foro.

Como participante durante muchos años en los congresos y eventos, y aunque mi vida laboral está complicada, creo conveniente la asistencia de representantes de España. Yo he realizado mi petición de participar. AHORA es el momento de consolidar FEJS Spain!!!

jueves, 11 de junio de 2009

International Journalist Award „1989 – 2009: Europe in Dialogue“

To mark the 20th anniversary of the peaceful revolution in Europe, MitOst is pleased to announce the International Journalist Award, „1989 – 2009: Europe in Dialog“.
The German daily newspaper DIE WELT is the exclusive media partner of the International Journalist Award. DIE WELT supports the project in publishing the best articles. The thematic focus is the increasing overlap between European countries beyond the former east–west borders.

The award is open to print and online journalists aged 18 – 35, who have reported, fairly and openly on the above topic. Journalists from the European Union, eastern neighbour states, as well as the Russian federation with very good English or German skills are invited to submit their articles. Texts can be published in the author's native language and must have been published in print or online media since August 2008. The deadline for applications is 20 August 2009 .

An international jury will then nominate ten authors, who will be invited to the awards ceremony in Berlin on the 5th November 2009. The authors of the three best articles will be awarded prizes of EUR 2500, EUR 1500 and EUR 1000. In addition to this, the nominees will have the opportunity to visit experienced journalists in their editorial departments and to meet agents working in the areas of politics and culture. The best articles will be published in an anthology in February 2010, which will be presented as part of a campaign in cooperation with media partners.

Further information on the application procedure and the application form:

Calling for participants¡¡¡

Dear colleagues:

I am proud to inform you about the Euro-Mediterranean Academy for Young Journalists Amsterdam 2009, organized by the Goethe-Institut Niederlande in cooperation with Partners.

The call for participants in the Academy is now open. We are seeking for young journalists (age limit: 30 years) in the last years of journalist training/school/university or within the first years of professional work, fluent in English and representing one of the media-forms present at the Academy: print media, online media, radio, TV.

Application deadline is June 22, 2009. The EMAJ 2009 is a high-quality training course on Journalism and Intercultural Dialogue taking place in Amsterdam (the Netherlands) in October 5-16, 2009. This year’s iteration of the Academy focuses on the challenges posed by global migration. Costs related to the event including travels, accommodation and meals will be covered.

For more information on the EMAJ 2009, please visit our website:

In case of any further question, please do not hesitate to contact with the Organisating Committe:

Best regards¡¡¡

A new tool for journalists

Dear journalist,
We have the pleasure to announce the creation and official launch of our website:
It is a directory gathering the best EU-related internet links. It is conceived to be regularly fed and enlarged, but we wanted to start with a sound basis (600 recommended links and 8 PDFs with information about the EU). It is available in English, French and Spanish.
It is addressed to EU experts, journalists/correspondents, national or international officers, professors, students, people preparing EU tests, bloggers, NGOs, consultancies, administrations/organisations seeking EU funds, etc. and in general, to anyone interested in EU affairs. includes a section containing the best EU Media links, which can be very useful to follow the elections to the European Parliament.
Welcome and enjoy it¡¡

miércoles, 11 de marzo de 2009

Lincoln Annual Meeting 2009

En la edición de 2009, el congreso anual de FEJS tendrá lugar en Lincoln, situado al este de Inglaterra, del 2 al 7 de abril.

En octubre de 2007, la asamblea general de FEJS votó por unanimidad que el tema para el congreso de 2009 sería el desconocimiento de los bi-media. Desde 2007, los medios ambivalentes ha evolucionado y en la actualidad cubre una gran cantidad de elementos on line bajo el nombre de ‘plataforma multimedia’.

En toda Europa , los periodistas se enfrentan a redundancias como editores al darse cuenta de que un profesional de los medios puede dedicarse a la vez a cuatro trabajos, en vez de dedicarse exclusivamente a prensa, radio o TV – los periódicos cuentan ahora con equipos de televisión para dotar de contenidos sus páginas web o los canales de televisión compilan pod-cast.
La multiplataforma es una forma fácil de definir a los periodistas que tenemos más de una tarea.

Durante cinco días, Lincoln se va a convertir en referencia para los profesionales que ven su trabajo afectado por el incremento de plataformas comunicacionales que compiten directamente con los medios tradicionales y con el trabajo realizado en ellos. ¿Nos debemos adaptar a los nuevos tiempos? ¿Es ésta la mejor solución? ¿Estamos preparados para ello?
Manténte conectado¡¡¡

viernes, 23 de enero de 2009

Bienvenidos a FEJS España

El Foro Europeo para Estudiantes de Periodismo (FEJS) lleva más de veinte años uniendo a futuros periodistas, editores y fotógrafos, entre otros, de todos los países de Europa. Su cometido es compartir, a través de diversas actividades organizadas a lo largo del año, experiencias y opiniones que nos enriquezcan como profesionales, y sobre todo, como personas.
Si estudias o ejerces el periodismo en España, éste es tu sitio. Infórmate sobre los seminarios, cursos, congresos que FEJS ( organiza y únete a nosotros, tu visión personal sobre el sector es muy valiosa¡¡

Bienvenido en nombre de todo el equipo¡¡¡